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Here are some of the main Customers with whom ARIEM has cooperated, showing great accuracy and professionalism in order to interpret their needs. Many of them have established strong and permanent relationships based on mutual trust:
Ambasciata della Repubblica Araba d’Egitto
Ambasciata di Francia
Casa Pia dei Ceppi
Condominio di Via Silla 2/a
Via Giulio Cesare, 113
École Française en Rome
Pio Sodalizio dei Fornai
Venerabile Collegio Inglese
Ministry for the Cultural Heritage,
including Head Offices and Local Offices:
    - State Archives of Arezzo
    - State Archives of Ascoli
    - State Archives of Foggia
    - State Archives of Perugia
    - State Archives of Piacenza
    - State Archives of Pisa
    - State Archives of Prato
    - State Archives of Reggio Emilia
    - National Central Library of Rome
    - National Central Library of Florence
    - State Record Library


Ariem Restauri Srl - Viale dei Monfortani, 57/b
00135 Rome - Phone/Fax 0644292737 - E-mail info@ariemrestauri.it

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